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Current Internal Leagues, USTA Leagues, Upcoming Leagues

League Updates

Internal (CHTC leagues) and
External leagues (the triangle area, USTA)

Internal Leagues

Eno CTA leagues (local)

  • Men's Spring Internal League sign up deadline is March 8th at 10PM

  • Women's Spring Internal League sign up deadline is March 8th at 10PM

  • Pen Pals League (Jan.6 - Feb.18, matches on Sat/Sun mornings, first come first serve so sign up now!)

  • Frozen Assets League (Jan.6 - Feb.18, Registration closes Dec.17 at midnight) 

Spring USTA


Want to play on a USTA spring league team (2024)?

Want to play on a Play Team Pickleball spring league team (2024)?

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